In Search for Your Soul Hunger?
The secret to finding it is getting started.The hunger for WHAT?
Have you ever opened your refrigerator door and stood there searching, scanning the contents, shifting your stance, leaning closer, feeling hungry - but hungry for what?
Millions of people today are hungry. They'e searching for... something. They feel emptiness inside but can't seem to fill it, no matter how long they look, how hard they try, or how often they search. They're playing a real-life hunger game, and losing every time.
The hunger is rooted in a raging battle that takes place inside every human being - a battle between the flesh and the Spirit, for the same territory. The legitimate hungers placed in each one of us at birth are ground zero in this battle, as revealed in the Bible's discussion of the Fruit of the Spirit and the deeds of the flesh.
Understanding and addressing these hungers will help readers stop playing hunger games and satisfy their souls in ways they never would have thought possible.
Below is a hunger test to help you figure out where you might need to focus your attention and listen to the Holy Spirit's promptings.
An evaluation of the soul.